Nov 14, 2008


I would like to share my happy moments & thoughts with all of my dear friends. Thank you for considering me for these awards. I've honored my dear blogger friends.

Certificates of appreciation presented by MSI Community on Orkut.

First Blog Award: - Presented to me by Vidya.
I passed it on to Sagari, Spandana, Divya, Amy, Ramya, Saraswathy, & Lakshmi.

Second Blog Award: - Presented to me by Ramya.

Third Blog Award: - Presented to me by Lakshmi (LG) & Smitha. Finding it difficult to pass on these awards & these two generous bloggers have awarded so many of them together. Guess will have to wait for a while & make new friends in the blogging world.

Fourth Award: - Presented to me by Lakshmi (LG).

Fifth Award: - Presented to me by Lakshmi (LG) & Smitha.

Sixth Award: - Presented to me by Lakshmi (LG).

Seventh Award: - Presented to me by Lakshmi (LG) & Smitha.

Eight Award: - Presented to me by Lakshmi (LG).

Ninth Award: - Presented to me by Lakshmi (LG) & Smitha.

Tenth Award: - Presented to me by Lakshmi (LG). Passed it to Asha & Deesha.


Lakshmi said...

Congratulations !!!!!!!

FH said...

WOW! Awards khazana here! :D

Enjoy each and every one of them my friend. Thanks for mine too! :))